PyDigger - unearthing stuff about Python

fluke-fl 0.0.1 Federated Learning Utility framework for Experimentation 2024-05-17 10:39:26
dooc 0.0.1 Digtal Organoid On Chips 2024-05-17 08:37:07
vector-quantize-pytorch 1.14.24 Vector Quantization - Pytorch 2024-05-17 03:51:36
magvit2-pytorch 0.4.5 MagViT2 - Pytorch 2024-05-16 23:59:29
vision-mamba 0.1.0 Vision Mamba - Pytorch 2024-05-16 18:16:57
meshgpt-pytorch 1.2.7 MeshGPT Pytorch 2024-05-16 12:38:37
llamafactory 0.7.1 Easy-to-use LLM fine-tuning framework 2024-05-16 10:32:02
EasyDeL 0.0.65 An open-source library to make training faster and more optimized in Jax/Flax 2024-05-16 09:39:43
albucore 0.0.3 A high-performance image processing library designed to optimize and extend the Albumentations library with specialized functions for advanced image transformations. Perfect for developers working in computer vision who require efficient and scalable image augmentation. 2024-05-16 02:11:07
lavis-gml 1.0.2.post4 LAVIS - A One-stop Library for Language-Vision Intelligence 2024-05-15 21:24:27
walledeval 0.0.2.dev0 An open-source toolkit to test LLMs against jailbreaks and unprecedented harms. 2024-05-15 15:19:21
pydlutils 0.0.6 Utility library for deep learning 2024-05-15 07:06:22
alphafold3 0.0.8 Paper - Pytorch 2024-05-15 01:28:40
nvidia-cudnn-cu12 cuDNN runtime libraries 2024-05-14 20:24:30
nvidia-cudnn-cu11 cuDNN runtime libraries 2024-05-14 20:23:03
gpt4o 0.0.1 gpt4o - Pytorch 2024-05-14 20:17:36
FJFormer 0.0.57 Embark on a journey of paralleled/unparalleled computational prowess with FJFormer - an arsenal of custom Jax Flax Functions and Utils that elevate your AI endeavors to new heights! 2024-05-14 18:50:33
swarms 5.0.1 Swarms - Pytorch 2024-05-14 16:07:36
AdsbAnomalyDetector 0.4.0 Low altitude aircraft anomaly detector 2024-05-14 09:46:47
deepnccl 2.1.0 DEEP-NCCL is an AI-Accelerator communication framework for NVIDIA-NCCL. It implements optimized all-reduce, all-gather, reduce, broadcast, reduce-scatter, all-to-all,as well as any send/receive based communication pattern.It has been optimized to achieve high bandwidth on aliyun machines using PCIe, NVLink, NVswitch,as well as networking using InfiniBand Verbs, eRDMA or TCP/IP sockets. 2024-05-14 09:33:26
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